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#ChicagoGreen with Multicraft Ink & ROQ

Merrill Capps

#ROQStar Automated Solutions Specialist John “FBM” Murray met up with industry seasoned pros Dave Eggers and Jimmy Ormond, who are heading 1907: The Chicago Printeasy, so You can get all the details for the upcoming Grand Opening event and what You can expect to experience during Your visits!

John "FBM" Murray: Dave, we've known each other for a long time. But I'd love the community to know you both better. If you don't mind, Jimmy, would you start telling us a little bit about yourself?

Jimmy Ormond: Sure, my name is Jim Ormond. I’ve been involved in the screen printing industry since falling in love with the process early on in life during a High School internship program. I began working as a Graphics Printer for a number of years and learned all aspects of the printing process as it pertained to large format screen printing. I worked my way into a Production Manager's position before taking an employment opportunity with a large equipment manufacturer in 2001. I’ve worked extensively on textile carousel equipment and specialty accessories as a Textile Applications Specialist. This position led me to teaching the processes and training customers and sales staffs on the functionality of automated screen printing presses, and finally taking a position as a Product/Equipment Development Manager. In December of 2022, I accepted a position working with Multicraft to continue my growth within the industry with Dave at Multicraft and really look forward to building this new facility into something big!

John "FBM" Murray: I think that's going to be great! I have to ask, Mr. Eggers, if you would let us know a little bit about yourself as well?

Dave Eggers: Surely! Dave Eggers here. I got into industry years ago, and through some great mentors in the industry, I was able to grow a great love for the entire field. The mentors I found in the industry taught me so much that I quickly developed more of a love for everybody's business success and helping them grow and helping them create better prints through education. Being able to grow businesses, not only on the distributor side, but also with individual print shops, is kind of where I fell in love with the industry for that education purpose.

John "FBM" Murray: Dave, you gave me a great lead-in because it seems that education is critical to the upcoming Multicraft facility. Can you tell us about what we're going to be doing with the Multicraft facility and the Grand Opening this year in Chicago?

Dave Eggers: Sure, John! We're right back to the topic of education – hands-on training. In this screen printing in the digital printing side of our industry, we're looking to bring people in, whether it be from businesses who have new hires, or people who are with temp agencies looking to grow their ability to go into print shops and stretch beyond just catching shirts behind a dryer. To put them on a manual then an auto press, put them in screen reclaim, put them in screen coating, all those different things and then jump back into the shop ready to plow ahead with confidence. We want to be able to provide an education for people to come in, to start their business, to scale their business, and to become better printers all along the way. That's what I'm looking to do with this new facility in Schaumburg. We’ll have three ROQ automatic screen printing presses that we're putting in there with our Partners at ROQ and with MADE Lab. With so many other educators participating, there's really nothing we won't be able to provide for anyone who comes to either a class or just wants to come and put their hands on the machine and learn from anybody that's going to be at the facility, whether it be me or John, or Jimmy, or any of the other instructors that we’ll bring out.

John "FBM" Murray: Amazing! Thanks, Dave. Jimmy, can you share your overall vision of the location from your standpoint of training and teaching, as well as understanding the presses themselves from the ground up? Working with Multicraft as a supplier at a ROQ showroom, what do you feel this facility is going to offer most?

Jimmy Ormond: It really comes down to the opportunity to come “kick the tires” on a machine, you know? To get your hands on a ROQ machine. Come in. See exactly how it works. Witness what the capabilities of the machines are to give you a chance to see if it’s the most advantageous purchase for you. You can come in to learn to print, learn to run the machines, learn anything you need to learn related to screen printing supplies or ROQ equipment.

John "FBM" Murray: I know we're going to have some special machines there. Can you talk a little bit more about what you see coming to this facility? What can the Community expect to see that they haven't seen yet?

Jimmy Ormond: In addition to some well-known ROQ presses, we hope to bring some customer partners from dealers to really get their hands on the upcoming all-electric ROQ press and see what it's all about before it gets out to the masses.

John "FBM" Murray: Love it! We’re really excited about that press for our Partners! Dave. On that note, you're bringing in equipment that also compliments and informs the print process. Everything from pre-press to post-press. Can you talk a little bit about that equipment?

Dave Eggers: Sure thing! Starting with pre-press, we’re bringing in a Grunig, 406S autocoater – a very solid autocoater that'll be there within a dark room that features top-of-the-line drying cabinets from Norco. Then, we'll move from there over to a wax unit. We'll have an EXILE SPYDER II unit. We’re also waiting on a laser unit, which is brand new to the industry. It's barely even out there yet – stoked to see it! Then like Jimmy had brought up, the electric ROQ that's coming in, it will be the first one in North America and one of the first few in the world. We're also going to have a ROQ NEXT 10 Color | 12 Station, which'll be really nice to kick the tires, like Jimmy said. Then, the ROQ YOU 4 Color | 8 Station. From there, we'll have a large electric ROQ SAHARA Conveyor for the dryer. Even further, we're also going to have a Vastex Big Red Conveyor Dryer that will be in there. I believe it's a 54 inch dryer for people to try out and see how it's expandable. We'll have a ROQ FOLD, PACK, & LABEL unit. We want to offer an atmosphere where people can come in to see why these machines are necessary for their businesses and learn the advantages they offer. Also, in the same showroom, will have an auto screen reclaim system from Blue Water and also an INPRO Combi Eco that will show how you can go back and forth between development and reclaim. And inside that same showroom, because you can't have a press without ink, we're also gonna have a full ink mixing system from Monarch and also from Matsui so we can go back and forth between plastisol and water-based.

John "FBM" Murray: Nice. So Multicraft will still be a full supply company as it has been! And I believe Multicraft has expanded locations as well?

Dave Eggers: Yeah!

John "FBM" Murray: How many are there now?

Dave Eggers: We have three locations. Headquarters in Cleveland. We also have a space in Phoenix, Arizona that sports a full warehouse. And then, right next to our showroom here in Schaumburg, Illinois, will be our full warehouse. So, we’ll have three different warehouses and one showroom.

John "FBM" Murray: Dave, can you tell me a little bit more about the classes that are planned and some of the events as well as special appearances by people in the industry?

Dave Eggers: We’re really pumped about the classes coming up. We have MADE Lab coming in! We're kind of going back between doing quarterly or every other month classes but we’ll have more details soon. We’ll be bringing in like you said, lots of special appearances. Can’t really say them all just yet, but Matt Marcotte will be coming in to teach and we have some other heavy-hitters coming in and teaching as well.

John "FBM" Murray: I also know that we're going to be looking at adding some digital solutions to the facility within the year and I know we're also going to be looking at FLOCK and FOIL, which I'm sure Jimmy can't wait to get his hands on flocking again.

Jimmy Ormond: FLOCK Yeah!

John "FBM" Murray: Ha! Love it. I suppose the last thing, if you don't mind, I'd like to know how people can get in touch with both of you. What's the best way?

Jimmy Ormond: You get a hold of me at @Multicraft_Jimmy on Instagram or at

Dave Eggers: I guess I'll just throw it all out there – my phone number – call me 24/7, because plenty of people do! It’s 847.922.0485. Email is – many people know me by my Instagram handle, which is @Multicraft_Daddy. So, get a hold of me, any of the ways and I’ll be more than happy to help you out on your questions, supplies & equipment, or bring you into our classes and showroom. I mean, that's what it's for, right?

John "FBM" Murray: Absolutely! Thank you both so much for taking the time to share this awesome news for the industry! I’m thrilled to be there with you and welcome our Partners from around the world to experience 1907: The Chicago Printeasy!

Dave Eggers: Thanks, John! Us too!

Jimmy Ormond: ROQ on, John! Appreciate you having us!

Event Details: What: 1907: The Chicago Printeasy Grand Opening When: March 31st, 2023 Where: 540 Lunt Ave. Schaumburg, IL 60193

For more information, please visit or call 1-87-ROQ-IT-NOW (that’s 877.674.8669) and your Automated Solutions Specialist will coordinate your visit to 1907: The Chicago Printeasy right away.

About Multicraft, Ink:

Multicraft, Ink. has been recognized for over 50 years as one of the highest quality and largest suppliers of printing and digital supplies in the United States. So if you are unsure of your needs, whether you need a quote or some help finding the right equipment, the company is comprised of multi-generational professionals who are happy to assist you reach your goals and glad to help guide you in the best direction for your needs.

About ROQ.US:

Today’s Garment Decorators need the most productive, most streamlined, and most reliable automated solutions to exponentially increase production and profits. Communities across America need the highest quality prints to express themselves meaningfully and reinforce togetherness. Our planet needs a coalition of businesses and consumers who demonstrate a commitment to sustainability to ensure our collective continued growth and wellness.

ROQ.US lives at the crossroads of these issues and strives to be an anchor for shared prosperity in the decorated apparel business, communal unity, and a flourishing Earth. ROQ.US partners with businesses and provides them with the most technologically advanced printing machines and services that reduce the industry’s environmental impact and reduce the needed overhead to succeed.

When you build on sand, you drift away with the tide. When you build on ROQ, you propel from a solid foundation of integrity coupled with dependable automation for many years to come. #ROQYourWorld at and #PressOnward with #YourPartnerInPrint!

Media Contact:

Merrill Capps



Early on, we made a conscious decision to eradicate the word "customer" from our vocabulary. ROQ.US has no customers -- we only do business with Partners.

A customer is someone on one end of a transaction, but a Partner is a companion. A Partner is an ally.


A Partner is a trusted friend who is invested in the journey with you. That long-term camaraderie is what we aim to provide for our Partners.

As we continue to roll out the green carpet for you, we're honored to introduce you to our current roster of ROQ.US Referral Partners. These industry leaders are valued ROQ.US family members as You are and we're excited to bring You together with them to reinforce the product/service muscle behind your operation.

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