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Hot Off The Press: The Screen Printing Mentorship Program

Merrill Capps

In efforts to continue to unify and inspire our awesome industry's community, it is our great honor to sponsor Screen Printing Magazine's flagship Mentorship Project!

As stated on their site, the Screen Printing Mentorship Project was created, "To help screen printers advance their careers, grow their businesses, and develop personally and professionally, exclusively sponsored by ROQ.US. The six-month match program will connect two screen printers based on their goals, market, and region. Screen Printing [Magazine] will facilitate the first meeting with suggested check-in dates and meeting topics for the mentor/mentee. Project members will receive a certificate of participation after the mentorship program is completed. The registration form must be complete by March 29." Join as a mentor or mentee today:

We interviewed Screen Printing Magazine Editor-In-Chief Adrienne Palmer to provide you with further details.

ROQ.US: What inspired The Mentorship Project? What do you hope to see happen as a result? Screen Printing Magazine: The Mentorship Project was inspired by conversations I’ve had with newbies and industry vets over the last two years. Screen printers are constantly wanting to learn and better their businesses and they love helping their peers (even if they’re considered competition). Entrepreneurs entering the market are interested in learning very technical aspects of screen printing and how to brand their shop. Mid-level business owners want to become a better manager and create five- to 10-year plans. Screen printers who have been printing for decades are looking to grow their digital presence through social media and their website. There’s a mutually beneficial opportunity here for the mentor and mentee.

Our goal is to connect screen printers so they can advance their careers and develop personally and professionally, and to build a stronger community in the industry. Based on the many responses we’ve had in the few days since we’ve launched the program, I know this will happen. ROQ.US: Please tell us more about the criteria you target to best-align the most mutually beneficial mentor/mentee relationship(s)? Screen Printing Magazine: We will match two screen printers based on their goals for the program, the markets they serve, and the region they’re in. ROQ.US: Will the Mentorship Project be monitored? If so, how so? Screen Printing Magazine: Screen Printing will facilitate the first meeting in April via Zoom with suggested check-in dates for the remaining five months. Participants will decide on the five goals they want to work on over the course of the program. The remaining five meetings will be set by the mentors and mentees, with reminders from Screen Printing. They can meet in-person (if safe to do so), over the phone, or through video chat. Each month, I’ll receive a status update from the mentor and mentee. If the match is not a success, we’ll work toward finding a better fit. Screen Printing will highlight the mentor/mentee matches through our channels including the brand-new website (, digital edition, social media channels, weekly newsletter, and Screen Saver podcast. ROQ.US: Outside of the March 29th deadline for entries, are there any other rules/guidelines to be aware of? Is there a limit to how many mentorships this project will facilitate? Screen Printing Magazine: There isn’t a limit to how many screen printers we will take. We hope we can connect as many mentors and mentees as possible. *The program is not intended for those who work for OEMs in the industry. ROQ.US: Generally speaking, what advice would you give to others who seek mentorship in our industry beyond the Mentorship Project? Screen Printing Magazine: There are so many resources and experts in our field. Listen to industry podcasts like Screen Saver and ROQ Shop Talk, read industry publications like Screen Printing magazine and connect with members of our Editorial Advisory Board, attend virtual events and webinars, go to in-person tradeshows, conferences, and educational and training sessions when they begin again, connect with local screen printers, etc. There’s someone who was once in your shoes who is willing to help you succeed. For more helpful resources to help you #PressOnward, please visit or call: 87-ROQ-IT-NOW (877-674-8669).




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