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ROQ.US At Your Service

Merrill Capps

In efforts to streamline & to ensure your best service experience with us, ROQ.US's Director of Automated Products Group, Mark Shoman, has compiled the following tips to help you get the assistance you need when you need it most. ROQ.US: What is an "FIR", what is it used for, who can submit one, and how does someone submit an FIR? APG Director Mark Shoman:

  • An FIR stands for "Field Incident Report." It is a clever name/acronym for a repair request.

  • Whoever the Shop Owner or manager wants to, can submit an FIR. Generally, it is the Shop Owner, Production Manager, or a Press Operator.

  • An FIR can be submitted in a number of ways:

  1. By calling the number on your press you will get a person and they will submit the FIR for you.

  2. By calling the ROQ US number: 87-ROQ-IT-NOW (877-674-8669)

  3. By emailing and letting us know your issue that you are having with your piece of equipment

  4. By going to the websiteand under the support tab clicking on repair request (FIR).

We are going to be sending out QR code stickers that you can put on your press or other ROQ US equipment, and by scanning the code, it will bring up a form to fill out for submission.

It is really important when submitting an FIR that we have the main issue as detailed as you can possibly include, the company name, serial number of the equipment, contact person, best phone number, and level/degree of issue intensity from Low, Moderate, High. Low being -- I have noticed something is not quite right, but I can operate fine. Moderate is -- when you for sure know something is wrong and it is affecting your work. High is -- when your equipment is down/nonfunctional. When we call back, you may not recognize the phone number because we have Techs all over the country and the calls will be coming from their cell phones.

It is also important that you submit an FIR instead of just calling a Tech. By submitting a FIR, you now have established a record that we can hold ourselves accountable to as well as something that has your issue and information for further reference.

ROQ.US When is it appropriate to submit an FIR?

APG Director Mark Shoman: It is appropriate to submit an FIR from when you feel something is not right about your equipment or if you are having a glaring problem or if your equipment is down.

ROQ.US: At what intervals should ROQ Owners schedule maintenance services?

APG Director Mark Shoman: The beautiful thing about a ROQ is that it tells you when it needs some love.

You will perform a maintenance at the following times:

  • 50k indexes (performed every 50k)

  • 100k indexes (performed on the even 100k milestones)

  • 250k indexes (performed on the quarter million milestones)

ROQ.US: How is the ROQ.US Tech Team handling service during the COVID-19 pandemic? What precautions are being taken? APG Director Mark Shoman: We are handling service as usual. Most service can be done over the phone working with our partners. If we have to travel to fix an issue, we have a full force that will travel as needed. If our Techs are coming into your shop, they will be wearing masks and we ask that your team would also wear a mask around them. If your protocols are higher, just let us know and we will be more than happy to honor your requests.

ROQ.US: Is there any cost involved with submitting an FIR?

APG Director Mark Shoman: Tech support via phone comes when you purchase into our ROQ family. While in warranty, which is specific time period to each piece of equipment you will pay zero cost for parts, labor, or travel as long as it is not a wearable part. Our policy is if you aren’t running then you aren’t making any money and our job is to keep you running. When you purchase into a ROQ you become a family member and we will treat you as such.

ROQ.US: What are 2-3 things ROQ Owners can do to minimize the need to submit an FIR?

APG Director Mark Shoman: Some of the things you can do to minimize the need to submit an FIR:

  • Help with the install

  • Do your regular maintenance

  • Clean your press weekly

  • Don’t use spray tack if at all possible

I can honestly say that the cleanest shops have the least amount of issues. You spent a lot of money on this equipment so make sure you keep it maintained and clean. For more helpful service tips, please follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and check out #TheBuckStartsHere on YouTube. Lastly, be sure to tune in to this week's episode of #ROQShopTalk featuring The Buck Starts Here & Service: General Tips, FIR Requests, and Technical Advice for Screen Printers with our guests APG Director Mark Shoman & Tech Team Leader Buck Premo!




Early on, we made a conscious decision to eradicate the word "customer" from our vocabulary. ROQ.US has no customers -- we only do business with Partners.

A customer is someone on one end of a transaction, but a Partner is a companion. A Partner is an ally.


A Partner is a trusted friend who is invested in the journey with you. That long-term camaraderie is what we aim to provide for our Partners.

As we continue to roll out the green carpet for you, we're honored to introduce you to our current roster of ROQ.US Referral Partners. These industry leaders are valued ROQ.US family members as You are and we're excited to bring You together with them to reinforce the product/service muscle behind your operation.

Distributing Partners

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