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The ROQ Fold, Stack, & Pack

Merrill Capps

“But friendship is the breathing rose, with sweets in every FOLD.” Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Digital and screen printing continues to drive unprecedented business opportunities. A recent report projects the Global Screen Printing Industry will “reach $5 billion by 2027.”

In this blog, you’ll learn one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce costs and boost your bottom line.

As a manufacturer of award-winning printing equipment, we’re obviously a strong advocate for automated printing. But while automated precision printing generates demand from the most agreeable, most loyal, and highest paying customers, garment decoration is merely one slice of the apparel pie.

To build that top-shelf reputation from your audience, dedicated consideration must be given to the “unboxing experience” for them after purchase. We’re all told to not judge a book by its cover from an early age, and while there’s some sage wisdom there, the cover is often one of the greatest parts of the entire thrill of retail. To neglect the presentation of your offerings is to neglect a critical piece of our world’s ever-growing baseline expectation.

Famed author and art critic G.K. Chesterton once daringly proclaimed, “Art consists of limitation. The most beautiful part of every picture is the frame.”

Presenting a professionally folded, stacked, and packed garment for your excited customer creates the opportunity for them to attach your quality to their brand’s identity. Surely, the jewelry would be beautiful regardless, but there’s a certain added thrill to receive jewelry in an iconic robin egg blue box. So much so, that the brand’s name is hardly needed to infer who we’re discussing.

While you can certainly manually fold, stack, and pack your garments, you’ll certainly do so at the costly expense of labor and your laborers’ physical wellness… further, you’ll do so at a significantly slower pace.

ROQ.US's folding machine, the ROQ FOLD is a game changer for your textile folding needs. Automatically fold virtually any shape of clothing such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, polos – short or long sleeves – trousers, skirts, dresses, etc. up to a staggering 650 pieces per hour by itself or with a straight-line packer and 600 per hour when folding and packing to the right with the stacker installed to the left. It needs only one operator to load and the machine can run automatically, or the operator can easily operate by using a discreet foot pedal. The ROQ FOLD machine is fast, extremely accurate, effortless to use, economical, and requires minimal maintenance.

Automatically stack your folded garments as they leave the ROQ FOLD with the ROQ STACK. Customize your stack height and quantity, and stack up to 800 garments per hour. From here, they’ll either slide onto a conveyor belt as a new stack begins for your laborer to place into shipping packaging, or the stack will go directly to the ROQ PACK for a completely automated solution.

The ROQ PACK -- a packing machine developed and conceived by ROQ to provide high profitability at high speed (up to 1,200 pieces per hour), is one of the best tools in the garment packaging market. This machine works with two large plastic reels which spread the top and bottom of the bag that is welded on the sides and closed at the bottom, using the same welding process. The top is a flap that closes the bag. It is designed to pack batches of several pieces of any type or format: t-shirts, sweatshirts, polos, shirts, trousers, skirts, towels, etc.

Automating your fulfillment/finishing is one of the fastest and most accessible ways to lower overhead and exponentially increase capacity for revenue and stronger profit margins. Make your presentation experience consistent and familiar, and watch how quickly your orders climb. ROQ on!


Check out our premiere ROI calculator here to unlock and reclaim those hidden profit margins.




Early on, we made a conscious decision to eradicate the word "customer" from our vocabulary. ROQ.US has no customers -- we only do business with Partners.

A customer is someone on one end of a transaction, but a Partner is a companion. A Partner is an ally.


A Partner is a trusted friend who is invested in the journey with you. That long-term camaraderie is what we aim to provide for our Partners.

As we continue to roll out the green carpet for you, we're honored to introduce you to our current roster of ROQ.US Referral Partners. These industry leaders are valued ROQ.US family members as You are and we're excited to bring You together with them to reinforce the product/service muscle behind your operation.

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